Tag Archives: bangtan

J-Hope Day



Since I have already expressed the bottled feelings from the bottom of my heart last night, I will let the pictures do the job on this faithful day. But for the least, let’s wish him a joyful and happy birthday and if you may, I would appreciate your gratitude in pouring more love in their music productions in the coming years.

P/S: My friend told me that I was armified. Like literally. A.R.M.Y



And many more:










Just in case you didn’t know, all pictures are screenshot from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PSdgzdDMIeE


Screen Shot 2015-02-17 at 12.35.09 AM

*sniff* *sniff* Found J-hope to be my new bias after being 19 for 2 weeks.

Here’s a shout out to all bloggers who have at least experienced once in their life, that so-ever global and awkward moment when everything in their lives are not worth reporting. Lunar New Year Is Coming Soon, and I have no idea what I am doing. Aside from trying to convince myself how important it is to use this semester break to do revision and leading a sluggish life, there is really, really, really nothing.

But, hey, everything begins from nothing. Think about Big Bang.

No. Not the Kpop Big Bang. But how our universe was created from the beginning.

Fine. Forget about it.

So, I just checked my SAT score the other day and I am glad to announce that I got 1730. Although I was quite disappointed that I didn’t get full marks for Maths, but I was totally baffled to find out that I received 530 for Critical Reading. After graduating from high school and not studying English for almost a year, getting this much is beyond my expectation.

Anyway, I was hoping to retake it after completing my A levels. Tell me honestly, is it possible to get 2350 in my second attempt if I pour all my sincere efforts in studying it? Because there’s a slight cuckoo in my brain and I want to apply to Stanford.